Source code for pipelinex.extras.datasets.pillow.images_dataset

import copy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Union
from PIL import Image
import logging

import numpy as np
from ..core import AbstractVersionedDataSet, DataSetError, Version

from ...ops.numpy_ops import to_channel_first_arr, to_channel_last_arr, ReverseChannel

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ImagesLocalDataSet(AbstractVersionedDataSet): """Loads/saves a dict of numpy 3-D or 2-D arrays from/to a folder containing images. Works like ``kedro.extras.datasets.pillow.ImageDataSet`` and ```` with conversion between numpy arrays and Pillow images. """
[docs] def __init__( self, path: str, load_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, save_args: Dict[str, Any] = {"suffix": ".jpg"}, channel_first=False, reverse_color=False, version: Version = None, ) -> None: """ Args: path: The folder path containing images load_args: Args fed to save_args: Args, e.g. - `suffix`: file suffix such as ".jpg" - `upper`: optionally used as the upper pixel value corresponding to 0xFF (255) for linear scaling to ensure the pixel value is between 0 and 255. - `lower`: optionally used as the lower pixel value corresponding to 0x00 (0) for linear scaling to ensure the pixel value is between 0 and 255. - `mode`: fed to - Any other args fed to channel_first: If true, the first dimension of 3-D array is treated as channel (color) as in PyTorch. If false, the last dimension of the 3-D array is treated as channel (color) as in TensorFlow, Pillow, and OpenCV. reverse_color: If true, the order of channel (color) is reversed (RGB to BGR when loading, BGR to RGB when saving). Set true to use packages such as OpenCV which uses BGR order natively. version: If specified, should be an instance of ````. If its ``load`` attribute is None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save`` attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated. """ super().__init__( filepath=Path(path), version=version, exists_function=self._exists, ) self._load_args = load_args self._save_args = save_args self._channel_first = channel_first self._reverse_color = reverse_color
def _load(self) -> Any: load_path = Path(self._get_load_path()) load_args = copy.deepcopy(self._load_args) load_args = load_args or dict() dict_structure = load_args.pop("dict_structure", True) as_numpy = load_args.pop("as_numpy", True) channel_first = self._channel_first reverse_color = self._reverse_color if load_path.is_dir(): images_dict = {} for p in load_path.glob("*"): img = load_image( p, load_args, as_numpy=as_numpy, channel_first=channel_first, reverse_color=reverse_color, ) images_dict[p.stem] = img if dict_structure is None: return list(images_dict.values()) if dict_structure == "sep_names": return dict( images=list(images_dict.values()), names=list(images_dict.keys()) ) return images_dict else: return load_image( load_path, load_args, as_numpy=self.as_numpy, channel_first=channel_first, reverse_color=reverse_color, ) def _save(self, data: Union[dict, list, np.ndarray, type(Image.Image)]) -> None: save_path = Path(self._get_save_path()) save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) p = save_path save_args = copy.deepcopy(self._save_args) save_args = save_args or dict() suffix = save_args.pop("suffix", ".jpg") mode = save_args.pop("mode", None) upper = save_args.pop("upper", None) lower = save_args.pop("lower", None) to_scale = (upper is not None) or (lower is not None) if isinstance(data, dict): images = list(data.values()) names = list(data.keys()) if "names" in names and "images" in names: images = data.get("images") names = data.get("names") else: images = data names = None if hasattr(images, "save"): if not to_scale: img = images, **save_args) return None else: images = np.asarray(images) if isinstance(images, np.ndarray): if self._channel_first: images = to_channel_last_arr(images) if self._reverse_color: images = ReverseChannel(channel_first=self._channel_first)(images) if images.ndim in {2, 3}: img = images img = scale(lower=lower, upper=upper)(img) img = np.squeeze(img) img = Image.fromarray(img, mode=mode), **save_args) return None elif images.ndim in {4}: images = scale(lower=lower, upper=upper)(images) dataset = Np3DArrDataset(images) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported number of dimensions: {}".format(images.ndim) ) elif hasattr(images, "__getitem__") and hasattr(images, "__len__"): if not to_scale: p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for i, img in enumerate(images): if isinstance(img, np.ndarray): if self._channel_first: img = to_channel_last_arr(img) if self._reverse_color: img = ReverseChannel(channel_first=self._channel_first)(img) img = np.squeeze(img) img = Image.fromarray(img) name = names[i] if names else "{:05d}".format(i) s = p / "{}{}".format(name, suffix), **save_args) return None else: dataset = Np3DArrDatasetFromList( images, transform=scale(lower=lower, upper=upper) ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type: {}".format(type(images))) p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for i in range(len(dataset)): img = dataset[i] if isinstance(img, (tuple, list)): img = img[0] if self._channel_first: img = to_channel_last_arr(img) if self._reverse_color: img = ReverseChannel(channel_first=self._channel_first)(img) img = np.squeeze(img) img = Image.fromarray(img, mode=mode) name = names[i] if names else "{:05d}".format(i) s = p / "{}{}".format(name, suffix), **save_args) return None def _describe(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return dict( filepath=self._filepath, load_args=self._save_args, save_args=self._save_args, channel_first=self._channel_first, reverse_color=self._reverse_color, version=self._version, ) def _exists(self) -> bool: try: path = self._get_load_path() except DataSetError: return False return Path(path).exists()
[docs]def load_image( load_path, load_args, as_numpy=False, channel_first=False, reverse_color=False ): with"rb") as local_file: img =, **load_args) if as_numpy: img = np.asarray(img) if channel_first: img = to_channel_first_arr(img) if reverse_color: img = ReverseChannel(channel_first=channel_first)(img) return img
[docs]def scale(**kwargs): def _scale(a): lower = kwargs.get("lower") upper = kwargs.get("upper") if (lower is not None) or (upper is not None): max_val = a.max() min_val = a.min() stat_dict = dict(max_val=max_val, min_val=min_val) upper = upper or max_val lower = lower or min_val a = ( ((a - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)) * (upper - lower) + lower ).astype(np.uint8) return a return _scale
[docs]class Np3DArrDataset:
[docs] def __init__(self, a): self.a = a
def __getitem__(self, index): return self.a[index, ...] def __len__(self): return len(self.a)
[docs]class Np3DArrDatasetFromList:
[docs] def __init__(self, a, transform=None): self.a = a self.transform = transform
def __getitem__(self, index): item = np.asarray(self.a[index]) if self.transform: item = self.transform(item) return item def __len__(self): return len(self.a)