Source code for pipelinex.hatch_dict.hatch_dict

import importlib
from typing import Any, Union, List, Iterable  # NOQA
from logging import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HatchDict:
[docs] def __init__( self, egg, # type: Union[dict, List] lookup={}, # type: dict support_nested_keys=True, # type: bool self_lookup_key="$", # type: str support_import=True, # type: bool additional_import_modules=["pipelinex"], # type: Union[List, str] obj_key="=", # type: str eval_parentheses=True, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None assert egg.__class__.__name__ in {"dict", "list"} assert lookup.__class__.__name__ in {"dict"} assert support_nested_keys.__class__.__name__ in {"bool"} assert self_lookup_key.__class__.__name__ in {"str"} assert additional_import_modules.__class__.__name__ in {"list", "str"} assert obj_key.__class__.__name__ in {"str"} aug_egg = {} if isinstance(egg, dict): if support_nested_keys: aug_egg = dot_flatten(egg) aug_egg.update(egg) self.aug_egg = aug_egg self.egg = egg self.lookup = {} self.lookup.update(_builtin_funcs()) self.lookup.update(lookup) self.self_lookup_key = self_lookup_key self.support_import = support_import self.additional_import_modules = ( [additional_import_modules] if isinstance(additional_import_modules, str) else additional_import_modules or [__name__] ) self.obj_key = obj_key self.eval_parentheses = eval_parentheses self.warmed_egg = None self.snapshot = None
[docs] def get( self, key=None, # type: Union[str, int] default=None, # type: Any lookup={}, # type: dict ): # type: (...) -> Any assert (key is None) or ( key.__class__.__name__ in { "str", "int", } ), "Received key: {}".format(key) assert lookup.__class__.__name__ in {"dict"}, "Received lookup: s{}".format( lookup ) if key is None: d = self.egg else: if isinstance(self.egg, dict): d = self.aug_egg.get(key, default) if isinstance(self.egg, list): assert isinstance(key, int) d = self.egg[key] if (0 <= key < len(self.egg)) else default if self.self_lookup_key: s = dict() while d != s: d, s = _dfs_apply( d_input=d, hatch_args=dict(lookup=self.aug_egg, obj_key=self.self_lookup_key), ) self.warmed_egg = d if self.eval_parentheses: d, s = _dfs_apply( d_input=d, hatch_args=dict(eval_parentheses=self.eval_parentheses) ) self.warmed_egg = d lookup_input = {} lookup_input.update(self.lookup) lookup_input.update(lookup) if isinstance(self.egg, dict): forcing_module = self.egg.get("FORCING_MODULE", "") module_aliases = self.egg.get("MODULE_ALIASES", {}) for m in self.additional_import_modules: d, s = _dfs_apply( d_input=d, hatch_args=dict( lookup=lookup_input, support_import=self.support_import, default_module=m, forcing_module=forcing_module, module_aliases=module_aliases, obj_key=self.obj_key, ), ) self.snapshot = s return d
[docs] def get_params(self): return self.snapshot
[docs] def keys(self): return self.egg.keys()
[docs] def items(self): assert isinstance(self.egg, dict) return [(k, self.get(k)) for k in self.egg.keys()]
def _dfs_apply( d_input, # type: Any hatch_args, # type: dict ): # type: (...) -> Any eval_parentheses = hatch_args.get("eval_parentheses", False) # type: bool lookup = hatch_args.get("lookup", dict()) # type: dict support_import = hatch_args.get("support_import", False) # type: bool default_module = hatch_args.get("default_module", "") # type: str forcing_module = hatch_args.get("forcing_module", "") # type: str module_aliases = hatch_args.get("module_aliases", {}) # type: dict obj_key = hatch_args.get("obj_key", "=") # type: str d = d_input s = d_input if isinstance(d_input, dict): obj_str = d_input.get(obj_key) d, s = {}, {} for k, v in d_input.items(): d[k], s[k] = _dfs_apply(v, hatch_args) if obj_str: if obj_str in lookup: a = lookup.get(obj_str) d = _hatch(d, a, obj_key=obj_key) elif support_import: if forcing_module: obj_path_list = obj_str.rsplit(".", 1) obj_str = "{}.{}".format(forcing_module, obj_path_list[-1]) if module_aliases: obj_path_list = obj_str.rsplit(".", 1) if len(obj_path_list) == 2 and obj_path_list[0] in module_aliases: module_alias = module_aliases.get(obj_path_list[0]) if module_alias is None: obj_path_list.pop(0) else: obj_path_list[0] = module_alias obj_str = ".".join(obj_path_list) a = load_obj(obj_str, default_obj_path=default_module) d = _hatch(d, a, obj_key=obj_key) if isinstance(d_input, list): d, s = [], [] for v in d_input: _d, _s = _dfs_apply(v, hatch_args) d.append(_d) s.append(_s) if isinstance(d_input, str): if ( eval_parentheses and len(d_input) >= 2 and d_input[0] == "(" and d_input[-1] == ")" ): d = eval(d) return d, s def _hatch( d, # type: dict a, # type: Any obj_key="=", # type: str pos_arg_key="_", # type: str attr_key=".", # type: str ): d.pop(obj_key) if d: assert callable(a), "{} is not callable.".format(a) pos_args = d.pop(pos_arg_key, None) if pos_args is None: pos_args = [] if not isinstance(pos_args, list): pos_args = [pos_args] attribute_name = d.pop(attr_key, None) for k in d: assert isinstance( k, str ), "Non-string key '{}' in '{}' is not valid for callable: '{}'.".format( k, d, a.__name__ ) d = a(*pos_args, **d) if attribute_name: d = getattr(d, attribute_name) # if isinstance(d, MethodType): # d = lambda *args: d(args[0]) else: d = a return d
[docs]def dot_flatten(d): try: from flatten_dict import flatten d = flatten(d, reducer="dot") except Exception: log.warning("{} failed to be flattened.".format(d), exc_info=True) return d
[docs]def pass_(*argsignore, **kwargsignore): return None
[docs]def pass_through(*args, **kwargs): return args[0] if args else list(kwargs.values())[0] if kwargs else None
[docs]class ToPipeline:
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] self.args = args
def __call__(self): return self.args
[docs]class Construct:
[docs] def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.obj(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Method: method = None
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.method is None: self.method = kwargs.pop("method") self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self, d): if isinstance(d, dict): d = HatchDict(d) attr = getattr(d, self.method, None) if callable(attr): return attr(*self.args, **self.kwargs) else: return d
[docs]class Get(Method): method = "get"
[docs]def feed(func, args): assert callable(func) if isinstance(args, dict): posargs = args.pop("_", []) kwargs = args elif isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): posargs = args kwargs = dict() else: posargs = [args] kwargs = dict() def _feed(*argsignore, **kwargsignore): return func(*posargs, **kwargs) return _feed
def _builtin_funcs(): return dict( pass_=pass_, pass_through=pass_through, ToPipeline=ToPipeline, Construct=Construct, Method=Method, Get=Get, ) """ Copyright 2018-2019 QuantumBlack Visual Analytics Limited regarding `load_obj` function copied from """
[docs]def load_obj(obj_path: str, default_obj_path: str = "") -> Any: """Extract an object from a given path. Args: obj_path: Path to an object to be extracted, including the object name. default_obj_path: Default object path. Returns: Extracted object. Raises: AttributeError: When the object does not have the given named attribute. """ obj_path_list = obj_path.rsplit(".", 1) obj_path = obj_path_list.pop(0) if len(obj_path_list) > 1 else default_obj_path obj_name = obj_path_list[0] module_obj = importlib.import_module(obj_path) if not hasattr(module_obj, obj_name): raise AttributeError( "Object `{}` cannot be loaded from `{}`.".format(obj_name, obj_path) ) return getattr(module_obj, obj_name)