Source code for pipelinex.extras.datasets.pandas.fixed_width_csv_dataset

from importlib.util import find_spec

import pandas as pd

if find_spec("kedro"):
    from kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.csv_dataset import CSVDataSet
    from .csv_local import CSVLocalDataSet as CSVDataSet

[docs]class FixedWidthCSVDataSet(CSVDataSet): """``CSVDataSet`` loads/saves data from/to a CSV file using an underlying filesystem (e.g.: local, S3, GCS). It uses pandas to handle the CSV file. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, enable_fixed_width: bool = True, num_decimal_places: int = 9, **kwargs ) -> None: """Creates a ``FixedWidthCSVDataSet`` pointing to a concrete CSV file on a specific filesystem. Args: filepath: Filepath in POSIX format to a CSV file prefixed with a protocol like `s3://`. If prefix is not provided, `file` protocol (local filesystem) will be used. The prefix should be any protocol supported by ``fsspec``. Note: `http(s)` doesn't support versioning. load_args: Pandas options for loading CSV files. Here you can find all available arguments: All defaults are preserved. save_args: Pandas options for saving CSV files. Here you can find all available arguments: All defaults are preserved, but "index", which is set to False. version: If specified, should be an instance of ````. If its ``load`` attribute is None, the latest version will be loaded. If its ``save`` attribute is None, save version will be autogenerated. credentials: Credentials required to get access to the underlying filesystem. E.g. for ``GCSFileSystem`` it should look like `{"token": None}`. fs_args: Extra arguments to pass into underlying filesystem class constructor (e.g. `{"project": "my-project"}` for ``GCSFileSystem``), as well as to pass to the filesystem's `open` method through nested keys `open_args_load` and `open_args_save`. Here you can find all available arguments for `open`: All defaults are preserved, except `mode`, which is set to `r` when loading and to `w` when saving. enable_fixed_width: Save to a CSV file with each column width fixed among all the rows and theheader to improve readability for humans. num_decimal_places: Number of decimal places for float values to save. """ self.enable_fixed_width = enable_fixed_width self.num_decimal_places = num_decimal_places super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _save(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> None: if self.enable_fixed_width: fix_width(data, num_decimal_places=self.num_decimal_places) return super()._save(data)
[docs]def fix_width(df, num_decimal_places=9): import numpy as np for col in df.select_dtypes(["float64", "float32", "float16"]): sr = df[col].apply("{:.0f}".format) d = sr.astype(str).str.len().max() df[col] = df[col].apply( ("{:" + str(d) + "." + str(num_decimal_places) + "f}").format ) for col in df.select_dtypes(["int64", "int32", "int16", "int8"]): sr = df[col].apply("{}".format) d = sr.astype(str).str.len().max() df[col] = df[col].apply(("{:" + str(d) + "d}").format) for col in df.select_dtypes(["object"]): df[col] = df[col].astype(str) d = df[col].str.len().max() df[col] = df[col].apply(("{:" + str(d) + "s}").format) for col in list(df.columns): df[col] = df[col].astype(str) w = max(df[col].str.len().max(), len(col)) f = (" {:" + str(w) + "s} ").format df[col] = df[col].apply(f) df.rename(columns={col: f(col)}, inplace=True)