HatchDict: Python in YAML/JSON

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Python objects in YAML/JSON

Introduction to YAML

YAML is a common text format used for application config files.

YAML’s most notable advantage is allowing users to mix 2 styles, block style and flow style.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  key1: value1
  key2: value2
flow_style_demo: {key1: value1, key2: value2}
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

print("### 2 styles in YAML ###")
### 2 styles in YAML ###
{'block_style_demo': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'},
 'flow_style_demo': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}}

To store highly nested (hierarchical) dict or list, YAML is more conveinient than hard-coding in Python code.

  • YAML’s block style, which uses indentation, allows users to omit opening and closing symbols to specify a Python dict or list ({} or []).

  • YAML’s flow style, which uses opening and closing symbols, allows users to specify a Python dict or list within a single line.

So simply using YAML with Python will be the best way for Machine Learning experimentation?

Let’s check out the next example.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
model_kind: LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

print("### Before ###")

model_kind = parameters.get("model_kind")
model_params_dict = parameters.get("model_params")

if model_kind == "LogisticRegression":
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    model = LogisticRegression(**model_params_dict)

elif model_kind == "DecisionTree":
    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
    model = DecisionTreeClassifier(**model_params_dict)

elif model_kind == "RandomForest":
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    model = RandomForestClassifier(**model_params_dict)

    raise ValueError("Unsupported model_kind.")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'model_kind': 'LogisticRegression',
 'model_params': {'C': 1.23456, 'max_iter': 987, 'random_state': 42}}

### After ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=42, solver='warn', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

This way is inefficient as we need to add import and if statements for the options in the Python code in addition to modifying the YAML config file.

Any better way?

Python tags in YAML

PyYAML provides UnsafeLoader which can load Python objects without import.

Example usage of !!python/object

import yaml
# You do not need `import sklearn.linear_model` using PyYAML's UnsafeLoader

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42

parameters = yaml.unsafe_load(params_yaml)  # unsafe_load required

model = parameters.get("model")

print("### model object by PyYAML's UnsafeLoader ###")
### model object by PyYAML's UnsafeLoader ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=None, fit_intercept=None,
                   intercept_scaling=None, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class=None, n_jobs=None, penalty=None, random_state=42,
                   solver=None, tol=None, verbose=None, warm_start=None)

Example usage of !!python/name

import yaml

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """

    parameters = yaml.unsafe_load(params_yaml)  # unsafe_load required for PyYAML 5.1 or later
    parameters = yaml.load(params_yaml)

numpy_array_func = parameters.get("numpy_array_func")

import numpy

assert numpy_array_func == numpy.array

PyYAML’s !!python/object and !!python/name, however, has the following problems.

  • !!python/object or !!python/name are too long to write.

  • Positional (unnamed) arguments are apparently not supported.

Any better way?

PipelineX provides the solution.

Alternative to Python tags in YAML

PipelineX’s HatchDict provides an easier syntax, as follows, to convert Python dictionaries read from YAML or JSON files to Python objects without import.

  • Use = key to specify the package, module, and class/function with . separator in foo_package.bar_module.baz_class format.

  • [Optional] Use _ key to specify (list of) positional (unnamed) arguments if any.

  • [Optional] Add keyword arguments (kwargs) if any.

To return an object instance like PyYAML’s !!python/object, feed positional and/or keyword arguments. If it has no arguments, just feed null (known as None in Python) to _ key.

To return an uninstantiated (raw) object like PyYAML’s !!python/name, just feed = key without any arguments.

Example alternative to !!python/object specifying keyword arguments:

from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look
# You do not need `import sklearn.linear_model` using PipelineX's HatchDict

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  =: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

model_dict = parameters.get("model")

print("### Before ###")

model = HatchDict(parameters).get("model")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'=': 'sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression',
 'C': 1.23456,
 'max_iter': 987,
 'random_state': 42}

### After ###
LogisticRegression(C=1.23456, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=987,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=42, solver='warn', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

Example alternative to !!python/object specifying both positional and keyword arguments:

from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

params_yaml = """
  - =: functools.partial
      =: sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score
    multiclass: ovr
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

metrics_dict = parameters.get("metrics")

print("### Before ###")

metrics = HatchDict(parameters).get("metrics")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
[{'=': 'functools.partial',
  '_': {'=': 'sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score'},
  'multiclass': 'ovr'}]

### After ###
[functools.partial(<function roc_auc_score at 0x16bcf19d0>, multiclass='ovr')]

Example alternative to !!python/name:

from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  =: numpy.array
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

numpy_array_func = HatchDict(parameters).get("numpy_array_func")

import numpy

assert numpy_array_func == numpy.array

This import-less Python object supports nested objects (objects that receives object arguments) by recursive depth-first search.

For more examples, please see Use with PyTorch.

This import-less Python object feature, inspired by the fact that Kedro uses load_obj for file I/O (DataSet), uses load_obj copied from kedro.utils which dynamically imports Python objects using importlib, a Python standard library.

Anchor-less aliasing in YAML/JSON

Aliasing in YAML

To avoid repeating, YAML natively provides Anchor&Alias Anchor&Alias feature, and Jsonnet provides Variable feature to JSON.


import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  train_batch_size: &batch_size 32
  val_batch_size: *batch_size
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

train_params_dict = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Conversion by YAML's Anchor&Alias feature ###")
### Conversion by YAML's Anchor&Alias feature ###
{'train_batch_size': 32, 'val_batch_size': 32}

Unfortunately, YAML and Jsonnet require a medium to share the same value.

This is why PipelineX provides anchor-less aliasing feature.

Alternative to aliasing in YAML

You can directly look up another value in the same YAML/JSON file using “$” key without an anchor nor variable.

To specify the nested key (key in a dict of dict), use “.” as the separator.


from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
  train_batch_size: 32
  val_batch_size: {$: train_params.train_batch_size}
parameters = yaml.safe_load(params_yaml)

train_params_dict = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Before ###")

train_params = HatchDict(parameters).get("train_params")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'train_batch_size': 32,
 'val_batch_size': {'$': 'train_params.train_batch_size'}}

### After ###
{'train_batch_size': 32, 'val_batch_size': 32}

Python expression in YAML/JSON

Strings wrapped in parentheses are evaluated as a Python expression.

from pipelinex import HatchDict
import yaml
from pprint import pprint  # pretty-print for clearer look

# Read parameters dict from a YAML file in actual use
params_yaml = """
  param1_tuple_python: (1, 2, 3)
  param1_tuple_yaml: !!python/tuple [1, 2, 3]
  param2_formula_python: (2 + 3)
  param3_neg_inf_python: (float("-Inf"))
  param3_neg_inf_yaml: -.Inf
  param4_float_1e9_python: (1e9)
  param4_float_1e9_yaml: 1.0e+09
  param5_int_1e9_python: (int(1e9))
parameters = yaml.load(params_yaml)

train_params_raw = parameters.get("train_params")

print("### Before ###")

train_params_converted = HatchDict(parameters).get("train_params")

print("\n### After ###")
### Before ###
{'param1_tuple_python': '(1, 2, 3)',
 'param1_tuple_yaml': (1, 2, 3),
 'param2_formula_python': '(2 + 3)',
 'param3_neg_inf_python': '(float("-Inf"))',
 'param3_neg_inf_yaml': -inf,
 'param4_float_1e9_python': '(1e9)',
 'param4_float_1e9_yaml': 1000000000.0,
 'param5_int_1e9_python': '(int(1e9))'}

### After ###
{'param1_tuple_python': (1, 2, 3),
 'param1_tuple_yaml': (1, 2, 3),
 'param2_formula_python': 5,
 'param3_neg_inf_python': -inf,
 'param3_neg_inf_yaml': -inf,
 'param4_float_1e9_python': 1000000000.0,
 'param4_float_1e9_yaml': 1000000000.0,
 'param5_int_1e9_python': 1000000000}