Kedro context to use YAML files more conveniently

Using pipelinex.FlexibleContext, you can use the YAML files more conveniently

Options available in parameters.yml

Define Kedro pipelines

You can define the inter-task dependency (DAG) for Kedro pipelines in parameters.yml using PIPELINES key.

  • Optionally specify the default Python module (path of .py file) if you want to omit the module name

  • Optionally specify the Python function decorator to apply to each node

  • Specify inputs, func, and outputs for each node

    • For sub-pipelines consisting of nodes of only single input and single output, you can optionally use Sequential API similar to PyTorch (torch.nn.Sequential) and Keras (tf.keras.Sequential)

# parameters.yml

    =: pipelinex.FlexiblePipeline
    module: # Optionally specify the default Python module so you can omit the module name to which functions belongs
    decorator: # Optionally specify function decorator(s) to apply to each node
      - inputs: ["params:model", train_df, "params:cols_features", "params:col_target"]
        func: sklearn_demo.train_model
        outputs: model

      - inputs: [model, test_df, "params:cols_features"]
        func: sklearn_demo.run_inference
        outputs: pred_df

Configure Kedro run config using RUN_CONFIG key

  • Optionally run nodes in parallel

  • Optionally run only missing nodes (skip tasks which have already been run to resume pipeline using the intermediate data files or databases.) Note: You can use Kedro CLI to overwrite these run configs.

# parameters.yml

  pipeline_name: __default__
  runner: SequentialRunner # Set to "ParallelRunner" to run in parallel
  only_missing: False # Set True to run only missing nodes
  tags: # None
  node_names: # None
  from_nodes: # None
  to_nodes: # None
  from_inputs: # None
  load_versions: # None

HatchDict feature

You can use HatchDict feature in parameters.yml.

# parameters.yml

  =: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
  C: 1.23456
  max_iter: 987
  random_state: 42
cols_features: # Columns used as features in the Titanic data table
  - Pclass # The passenger's ticket class
  - Parch # # of parents / children aboard the Titanic
col_target: Survived # Column used as the target: whether the passenger survived or not

Options available in catalog.yml

Enable caching

Enable caching using cached key set to True if you do not want Kedro to load the data from disk/database which were in the memory. ( is used under the hood.)

HatchDict feature

You can use HatchDict feature in catalog.yml.